Bonzai is undertaking a tour of Italy to introduce the most important aspects of the logistics business to schools, helping the younger generation to learn about their careers.
We started with a meeting at a technical school in Emilia Romagna, where many of our sites are located: our HR Manager, Federico Ciolini, and the Cervia site manager, Alessandro Sarnataro, told the students about Bonzai’s work, focusing mainly on the more engineering and technical aspects.
This approach allows students to experience company life and logistics activities at first hand, dispel their doubts and get answers to their questions and curiosity directly from those who are involved in this job every day. In our opinion, this is an essential incentive to get students interested in what could become their career path, without having to leave their local area, in a leading national company.
We are thrilled and honoured to accompany the students on this educational journey.